When and When Not to Use Facebook for Your Business
Should you use Facebook for Your Business? | Too many businesses have blindly followed others into social networking white water. If you have no plan or experience, doing this is simply a waste of time, while a well-planned ‘social use strategy’ will often yield good results.
Let’s take a quick look at both.
Social Strategies Are Key
Toyota launched an advertising campaign in which parents would pass their trusty, well-used Camry to their son or daughter. Simultaneously, witnessing the tradition, the youngest siblings begin to daydream of the day when their big brother or sister will pass down the car to them. The message is that Toyota lasts and lasts.
At the end of the commercial, the voice-over says, visit us on Facebook and tell us your Camry story.
Toyota’s ad agency used Facebook to engage consumers personally, which is a very effective use of Facebook.
Other examples of successful, socially engaging campaigns might include;
Non-profits raising community awareness for causes or themes
Political campaign sounding boards for issues and donations, and the list continues.
After the recent tornado outbreaks, a small community in Alabama used Facebook to post personal items found after the storm, an essential use of Facebook.
The Key Word here is Social.
The most effective use of Facebook marketing is to engage users on a social level. The deeper or more personal the connection you make, the more conversation you have. Note that this conversation can be heated, negative, positive, knee-jerk, and lively, so be prepared.
Planning is key
Think of it this way. If you are planning on taking a vacation, you will know;
a. Where you are going
b. When you will leave
c. How you will get there.
d. Where will you stay?
e. What will you do once you are there?
f. How much money will you spend?
h. And finally when you will leave.
Don’t set up a Facebook page just because everyone else has one. Instead, develop a basic strategy for using Facebook and how it fits into your marketing strategy. If you still feel the compelling urge to create a Facebook page, create a personal page and learn the basics.
To Like Me or Not to Like Me
I shudder and cringe when a client asks me to put a Facebook-like button on their homepage.
What image are you trying to convey about your company?
Should a cancer medical practice have a ‘Like’ button on its homepage?
Should a pizza parlor have a ‘Like’ button on its homepage?
Google is for searching. Facebook is for socializing.
More related articles:
Google vs. Facebook, how Google could dominate Facebook
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